All of our family members share a deep love for music and this manifests itself also in the instruments used for its reproduction. Our first contact in repairing started about thirty years ago with an inherited oldtimer Hydraulic that showed us the pure brilliance of its design where we had to improvise on parts not available. Now, about a quarter of a century down the road, internet and ebay make things easier but we still like the challenge the decks sometimes offer us. And of course the surprises the real rare early ones hold.
Basically we try to restore, but if they come into our possession beyond salvage we sometimes consider other venues, like using it differently, still functional, but not bound by what it ought to look like as an original. Hence our colour projects.
We think that these machines, many of which have been bringing joy to people's lives for over forty years, should not fall victim to the easy use of mp3 and be discarded after their services rendered.
And that's exactly why we try to help you to keep them spinning.
Re-pair and re-cycle to en-joy.